Who we are:
Be Priceless is an educational non-profit organization that empowers growth, well-being and safety our community.
We believe that no child, youth, caregiver should be left behind in empowering life skills training that nurtures their flourishing.
What we do:
1) LISTEN to and PARTNER with diverse community members for shared understanding and shared solutions
* Situational analysis - on the views of the community members on the well-being and safety of children and families
* Community Scorecard - on child and caregiver-informed ways to measure well-being and safety of children.
* Community Impact Reports - on the change in growth, well-being and safety of participants of the SEED Courses
2) Provide life-changing SEED Courses*
SEED stands for our ideals: Self-value, Empower, Educate and protect from Dangers.
The courses are now offered to the following groups:
A) 4-6 year-old children
B) 7-10 year-old children
C) 11-16 year-old children
D) Parents and other Caregivers
E) Educators (e.g. partner organizations' staff)
Why are we so Priceless and Limitless?
*Proven to improve the self-value, resilience, mental-physical-social well-being and safety, and positive relationships.
Our services are fully self-funded by our founders, who are committing their expertise and resources to support the community in growing our capacity and resilience for flourishing.
The SEED Courses was rigorously developed over 8 years by more than 150 diverse professionals and community members (including multicultural children, youth, parents). SEED has integrated evidence and best-practices from diverse fields, e.g. doctors, nurses, public health experts, child protection workers, counselors, educators, mindfulness teachers, social workers, and more).
We are committed to being accountable and transparent about the quality, safety, and impact of our service.
We have stringent child safety, data security and integrity policies that every team member and participant must follow. Our programs are also extensively reviewed by the participants through international ethics board approved anonymize impact assessment protocols. We report our the results of our programs openly and in community-friendly manner (see impact reports).