天主教慈幼會伍少梅中學 - 李校長
聖公會聖安德烈小學 - 譚校長
Marina,SKH OTMC 的合夥人和教育家
我覺得我真的很享受這個學習,因為那些學習是相當困難的。 雖然我知道這些,但我沒有意識到,例如自我照顧,如何對待自己的孩子,如何自我反省。 所有這些我都知道,但我很少實際去做。 這門課程讓我認識到這些,並讓我開始在自己的生活中實施。 作為一名教育者:我對這門課程充滿信心,所以我又邁出了成為教育者的一步。 成為一名教育者比成為一名學習者更重要。 作為教育工作者中的新人。
有一個問題一直在我腦海中,就是我們社區缺乏強化安全培訓。 課程要求很高。 這個課程改變和改善人們的生活、人際關係、心理健康和自我保健,它解決了一個人的 360 度問題。 強化課程完成後,它不只是一天的監督級別課程,而是有後續行動。
一位巴基斯坦媽媽在課堂上與梁博士分享了她女兒的心理健康問題。 儘管存在種種刻板印象,但她還是向另一個人尋求了幫助。
SEED課程解決了社區的一些隱藏需求。孩子們的一個令人非常難忘的分享是,她現在知道當她被跟踪時該如何反應,她會把這件事告訴一個值得信任的成年人。 SEED課程為年輕人提供了一些危險場景的解決方案,當他們處於危險中時,這是非常實用和有用的。
Rodelia, Domestic Workers Corner
The SEED course has brought about significant changes in the services provided by the Domestic Workers Corner, particularly in relation to the Migrant Workers Community. This course, being the first of its kind to offer free training for caregivers, has empowered individuals to develop a deep appreciation for their work and the families they serve.
The SEED course effectively addressed the needs of the community I serve by providing valuable tools and strategies to handle the daily challenges faced by caregivers. These challenges often lead to stress and difficulties in maintaining focus at work. Through this program, the community gained essential training on self-care, caregiving techniques, and building healthy relationships with the individuals and families they serve. Prioritizing the caregiver's own well-being is crucial.
Looking ahead, I hope to see the continuation of the SEED program, with more individuals expressing their interest in joining and developing their self-confidence and skills in the workplace. Additionally, I hope the program expands to include opportunities for learning new techniques and approaches to self-care, fostering love for oneself and family members back home. The Caregiver's SEED course workshop encompasses various aspects and is a comprehensive package tailored for the Migrant Workers Community. As caregivers attend these workshops, it is vital for them to acquire the knowledge and skills to handle different cases and situations appropriately, with a strong emphasis on safety, ensuring the well-being of both the caregivers and the individuals they care for.