Why are We Priceless for the Children and Families in Hong Kong?
Children in Hong Kong are facing complex crisis from rising mental stress to violence online and in-person. Yet there is no training at school to helps children and their caregiver that comprehensively improve their well-being and safety.
That is why Be Priceless is here, to provide the only health behavioral education in Hong Kong that is tailored to improve diverse children’s mental, physical, social safety and well-being. We want to support children to be who they truly are - Priceless and Limitless
Our Service: SEED Health Behavioral Education with Courses and follow-up Workshops
Impact: 3000+ children and caregivers empowered
80% children and 70% of caregivers have better safety, well-being, and relationships
for at least 3-6 months after the SEED Course

How does SEED Health Education improve the Children's Health?
The only health behavioral education in HK that is tailored to improve children's safety and well-being of the mind, body and relationships.
SEED Courses builds children's strong foundation health by enhancing Attitudes, Behaviors, Capacities (ABCs) for:
1) Personal growth (self-value, resilience, growth mindset, etc)
2) Well-being (emotional regulation + mental, physical, social health)
3) Safety (against illnesses, exploitation and violence, environmental risks)
4) Relationship & Communications
1) Children - 4-17 years
2) Family Caregivers, e.g. parents, grandparents, domestic workers
3) Families
4) Community Caregivers, e.g. educators
5) Community Groups , e.g. schools and NGOs
SEED is engaging and empowering. Learners nurture healthy behavioral change by:
practicing positive communications and actions, using growth mindsets, becoming self-aware, interactive activities, games, singing, dancing, discussions, animations, and more.
Why SEED is so impactful
SEED Courses were rigorously co-developed over 8 years by:
70+ professionals (doctors, counselors, educators, mindfulness teachers, social workers, and more), and
150+ community members (e.g. storytellers, artists, multicultural children, youth, and caregivers)
SEED transforms evidence and best practices from diverse fields into actions that align with Hong Kong's health and child well-being guidances, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), WHO's health guidance (mental- physical- social well-being), social and emotional learning (SEL), INSPIRE, Children's Rights, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and more.
Be Priceless is committed to accountable and transparent services' quality, integrity, and impact.
Every team member and participant must follow our child safety, data security, and integrity policies.
How does SEED Health Education improve Community Health?
We provide empowering health behavioral education to children and caregivers.
To strengthen health equity, we prioritize our services to people who face higher risks.
25% live with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
20% multicultural ethnicity
40% from low-income family
70% from low-income family
60% multicultural ethnicity, including domestic workers