SEED Training Courses for Educators
Do you work in an organization that wants to partner with us to provide the SEED Course for the children and families that you serve?
Audience: teachers, school counsellors, social workers, health workers, NGO workers who are keen to teach the SEED course in their school, community groups, non-profit organization.
Location: Hong Kong SAR
Topics include: SEED principals, values, and teaching; child safeguarding and protection; children's rights; social and emotional learning; mental, physical and social health; and risk reduction (against violence, exploitation, mental health problems, respiratory infection, climate-related emergencies and more)
Training: pre-course online learning, 3 day in-person workshops, and 5 days of teaching practices. This if followed by teaching that are supported by the Be Priceless team.
The course is developed and provided by experienced experts in diverse fields (including in medicine, public health, education, counselling, mindfulness and more).
Contact us! We would love to explore opportunities with you.