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SEED course have been empower children from ages 4-17 years since mid-2021! 

The courses are fun, engaging and impactful! After just one course (4-8 sessions), our learners showed improved health, emotional regulation, well-being and safety! 

Our learners also learn about equity and other risk factors that affect our collective health. They all contribute to solution that promote community's inclusive and regenerative flourishing.

Upon completion, our participants receive a certificate and further opportunities to take part in wonderful SEED programs, including advance level courses, family workshops, youth ambassadorship, and parties. 

The sessions are taught in two languages for now, English or Cantonese. Participants have diverse ethnicities and abilities.

We provide courses either with trusted non-profits [Including Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Outreaching Team for Multi Cultural Community (HKSKH OTMCC), Health in Action, Yuen Long Town Hall] and schools (Christian Alliance S W Chan Memorial College and Salesians of Don Bosco Ng Siu Mui Secondary School).

Sign up now!

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Up to 2022:
406 children empowered!

21 Courses Provided

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Up to 2022:
330 caregivers empowered!

24 Courses Provided!

Our Caregivers' SEED Course has been improving the well-being and safety of the learners, their children and their families! 

In just 4 sessions (8 hours total), our caregivers have been flourishing! 

We have been providing courses in our new center (in Cheung Sha Wan), online and in our wonderful partner's venues. 

Upon completion, our participants receive a certificate and further opportunities to take part in wonderful SEED programs, including advance level courses, family workshops, community ambassadorship, and parties.

Thank you for our wonderful partner for co-organizing many courses. This includes Christian Alliance S W Chan Memorial College, PathFinders, Upliftter, Health in Action, HKSKH OTMCC, Yuen Long Town Hall, Grassroots Future, and more.

More courses coming soon in English, Cantonese, and other languages. Sign up now!

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How We Started

The initial spark to start Be Priceless was to empower children and families from disadvantaged backgrounds in strengthening their growth, well-being and safety.  We developed the SEED course (Self-Value, Educate, Empower, Protect from dangers) to build an evidence and best practice based to build helpful and healthy knowledge, skills, mindsets and practices.

We work by shared partnership and listening to the community members we hope to serve. Our program is created through with more than 200 multicultural community members including children, parents and many diverse professionals (from educators, doctors, nurses, public health professionals, child protection experts, psychologists, social workers, mindfulness teachers, researchers, and more) 

We continuously seek the views of children, caregivers, care service providers (e.g. social workers, teachers) by conducting interviews that tell us of the needs, barriers and opportunities to strengthen well-being and safety. Their participation is foundational to building SEED courses that respect and address their views, needs and context. 

Accountability is also core to our approach. For example, before starting the SEED course for children, two internal pilot studies were done to ensure positive impact and safety. Our courses are continuously improved through participant feedback and up to date expertise. 

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Be Priceless improve diverse children’s mental, physical, social safety and well-being through our health behavioral education

We enhance health equity by providing more tailored support to at-risk children and caregivers.

Our vision: Every child enjoys their full potential to flourish

Rusy and Purviz Shroff
Charitable Foundation

Funding Partners

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Member of


Winner of THE ONE HK Award 2023

© 2024 Be Priceless. All rights reserved.

Be Priceless is a charitable institution (IR File No.: 91/16752)

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