Our founding director, Dr Czarina Leung is invited to speak on strengthening mental health and well-being for youth as a panelist at the 2023 Hong Kong Youth-led Mental Health Conference.
Please find the following details of the event:
💓Theme: Sharing Our Well-being
💁Host: Mental Health Means
📅Date: May 27, 2023 (Saturday)
⏰Time: 9:00 am - 12:15 pm
🏫Venue: Chinese International School
💰Cost: Free of charge!
📝Sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeBLVFTLEVXEnp4r2CW7Mm68OE3n_97BQnlAAIpS0mKnWykqw/viewform
🎓More about Dr Leung:👩
✨Founding Director, Education designer and Educator of Be Priceless
✨Specialist doctor in critical care medicine
✨Former Assistant Professor at CUHK
✨Former World Health Organization (WHO) consultant
✨Researcher in care of vulnerable populations; former Coordinating Editor of the WHO's Western ✨Pacific Disaster and Response Journal
✨Humanitarian health worker for more than 20 years (volunteer)
